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CV-TEST2603T Views:1885


IP Tester

3.5” full view LCD monitor 480x320,10x zoom video image,

video signal test, video signal level test,

PTZ controller,  color bar generator,

12VDC 1A output power for camera,

audio testing, PTZ address scanning,

video record/snapshot/play,

IP address scan, PING test,

Ethernet link monitor,

POE port flicker, POE power test,

Cable scan, send the specific signal, easy to find the connected cable.

LED lamp for night viewing,

Digital Multi-Meter

TDR Tester break-point and short-circuit measurement

Built-in 3.7V Lithium polymer battery ,3000mAh, Aft


Catchview Electronics Co., Ltd.   TEL: 86-755 82416160 82408464

No.211,Building 1st,Block D,Hua Mei Ju, Xin Hu Road, Zone 82,BaoAn District,Shenzhen 518133,China FAX: 86-755 83002124 support:hxf666.com